Learn about the printing process involved in going from photo album to photo book…

Below is a video explaining my experience going from photo album to photo book. In this video, I focus specifically on the printing part of it. I printed using Blurb, but of course you can also print with other companies like Walmart. Be forewarned though, I have printed with Walmart in the past and my photos ended up being quite saturated after the printing.

In the video I talk a little bit about what I did as far as editing the photos is concerned. I didn’t want to do a whole lot to the photos because I still wanted them to look authentic. I did do a bit of color correction as I mentioned. I mostly just fixed the white balance. I also boosted the shadows slider where necessary. However, I had to be careful because since I was not using RAW images, I didn’t have all of the original pixels still intact. Bringing the shadows up too much made the pictures look incredibly awful.

Another thing I did do, was bring up the clarity. Because these are old photos, and because they were scanned, they weren’t as sharp as they could be. But, again, too much made the photos look very grainy and strange. Below is a before and after example using one of the photos I included in my book.





I am hoping to do more books like this going from photo album to photo book in the future. If you or someone you know would like this done, feel free to contact me for pricing!