A Lesson On Exposure: Landscape, Sky, and Subject

In order to expose all three elements of your photo you are going to want to add a light source. Sometimes this means using a reflector, sometimes it means using a speed light or other light source.

Here you can see that without an additional light source, I was able to expose the sky, but at the expense of a dark subject.

Loren Yarrington, Sky, Landscape, Subject

Here my subject is better exposed, but the sky and landscape are a little blown out.

Loren Yarrington, Sky, Landscape, Subject

Here, with the help of an additional light source, I was able to expose the subject, the landscape, and the sky. All at the same time!

Loren Yarrington, Sky, Landscape, Subject

Here are a few I did using a different subject.

Loren Yarrington, Sky, Landscape, Subject

You always end up with a few bloopers and I loved this one. I caught him mid-laugh.

Loren Yarrington, Sky, Landscape, Subject

To see more outdoor portrait ideas, visit Picture Correct.